Meet Our Councillor's
Each year, Councillors decide who among them will take each of the responsibilities vested in them as a group for things which go on in the village through the year or which require representation from the Parish Council. They hold an Annual Meeting in May each year at which their individual responsibilities for the coming year are set.
Members of the public are invited to all meetings and the Agenda for each of them is published on the Notice Boards around five days before each meeting.
There are currently (Nov 24)) two Vacancies on the Parish Council. If you would like to find out more about joining us. You can contact the Clerk to Hallow Parish Council (Julia Hixson) by email or telephone.
Tel: 07539 638121

Hazel Kemshall- Chair
Hazel lives at the northern end of the Village.
She is the Lead for Hallow Neighbourhood Development Plan and chairs the Steering Group which is putting it together.
Hazel also looks after the Parish Council’s interests in relation to the Old Churchyard
Home: 01905 641632
Malcolm Silvester
Malcolm lives at the southern end of the village and is in a position to keep an eye on the Playing Field.
Email: Malcolm (Wychbury Engineering)
Lorna Marson
Vice Chair
Lorna lives in the centre of the village and represents the Parish Council on the Parish Hall Management Committee. Lorna serves on the Staffing Committee of the parish council.

Jason Walker
Jason lives at the North end of the village and has a particular interest in environmental issues. Holding an MSc in Environment management and over 10 years experience in public engagement and environmental regulation.

Heidi Shelton-Smith
I love the village of Hallow which has been my home for most of my life. I was raised here, went to Hallow Primary School and then on to Chantry. I still have family and friends here.
My mother was on the church committee, my stepfather and brother played cricket for Hallow and my nephew plays football for them.
Although I have never done anything like this before, I will give my all to help keep up village traditions and making the future of this lovely village bigger and brighter for everyone.
Sheila Nall
A cliché, I know, but I feel I should make a contribution to the life and well-being of the village that welcomed us four years ago and like the opportunity to help lighten the load of the Parish Council. I have been impressed with the work they do in compiling the Neighbourhood Plan (no easy task) and especially, in the thoughtfulness of planting for wildlife in the old churchyard and Holly Bank areas. I don't think I have any particular skills to offer but I hope there might be some areas where I can help out.

Lynne Ambury
As I have been involved in Hallow Parish matters for the last 2-3 years in a clerical position, I feel I have developed an understanding of Parish matters and can contribute in a positive manner to matters that arise within the Parish.

Anne Holmes
Anne lives at the southern end of the village and is also the footpath warden. She has been involved in the Neighbourhood Development Plan and is interested in sport and health related issues.

Joseph Grange
Having been brought up in the neighbouring village of Lower Broadheath and attending Hallow Primary School, I feel I have a fair understanding of village life and therefore can make good judgements on what is best for the village. Now as a resident of the village, Chairman of the local football club and a teacher at a Worcester Primary School, I can offer an insight to the viewpoints of the younger generations of the village.

Julia Hixson